This privacy policy relates to this website and any affiliated or commonly owned or managed website that has links here (referred to as this “site” or “website”). This site may collect users’ information at several points on our website. Submitting a comment, article, link, registration, or other information may require providing a valid e-mail address. However, we maintain a no-spam policy; if you submit a link, your e-mail address will not be sold or given to any third party. By visiting our site, you are accepting the practices described in our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the website. Registration is not required to use this website, but additional features such as participation in online collaboration or knowledge-sharing activities may be available by doing so. Additionally, registration is required to join the African Digital Health Initiative (ADHI). During registration, a user is required to give basic contact information (including user name and e-mail address). This information is used to provide password reminders should log in information be forgotten, to send e-mails regarding the user’s listing, provide e-mail updates or information or other relevant promotions. Additionally, some of the information that is requested during registration becomes part of the user or member’s profile and may be used to match or connect a user’s interests and affiliations with those of other members and organizations when necessary. ADHI will not, under any circumstances, use the information collected from members, users, and/or visitors in any way that willingly violates their privacy rights, absent applicable laws to the contrary, to defend ADHI, or under exigent circumstances. Members can, at any time, and solely at their own discretion, request for their information to be removed from ADHI’s databases. A cookie is a piece of data stored on your hard drive containing information about registration or use of this site by the software running the site. Usage of a cookie is not linked to any personally identifiable information while visitors are on this site and is used to store page settings, provide usage information, access and/or login information. For example, by accepting a cookie from our site, you may not have to enter a password more than once, thereby saving time while browsing. Moreover, our use of cookies is for a better understanding of which parts of our site are the most popular, where our visitors are going, and how much time they spend there. The information that is gathered through cookies is used solely to assist in improving site design and function for the benefit of our visitors. You are not required to accept cookies to use this site, although some features on the site may not be available if you choose not to do so. We use Internet Provider (IP) addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, and gather demographic information for aggregate use. This site offers access for all visitors. In order to participate in any way, users’ IP addresses are or may be recorded. This is designed to protect overall integrity and dissuade participants from harassing, spamming, flaming, or other objectionable conduct. IP addresses may be stored to correspond to the submitter of a comment, link, or other content on this site, and may be traced to an end user in cases of abuse. Aggregated demographic information may be shared with selected third-party advertisers as proof of traffic volume and target audience for the purpose of securing advertising contracts on this site. The information is summarized and is not linked to an individual visitor. This website contains links to other sites and/or articles or portions of articles from other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, content, or other practices of such other sites, and we do not review any such other sites for content, safety or accuracy. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this site. This site takes precautions to protect your information. The server on which this site resides is administered by a third-party provider for whom we are not responsible, although we have found generally reliable. If you have any questions regarding the security of our website, you can send an e-mail to the webmaster or may use the comments form. Please remember that any information you share in public areas, such as message boards or feedback sections, becomes public, and therefore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to any information you choose to make public. Please be careful about what you disclose, and do not post any personal information that you expect to keep private. The website is published in the United States and is subject to the laws of the United States. If you are located in a country outside the United States and voluntarily submit personal information to us, you thereby consent to the general use of such information as provided in this Privacy Policy and to the transfer of that information to, and/or storage of that information in the United States. ADHI shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages resulting from the use of information collected from visitors to the site. We reserve the right to modify or amend the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time as the site develops without notice. Your continued use of our website following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will mean you accept those changes. Changes to this statement will be posted on this page. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users well in advance with appropriate opt-out options. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner. This site cannot be held responsible for notifying you of any changes made to this policy. For updates, please revisit this page as often as you wish.